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Photon Energy Systems is one of the top solar energy companies in India leading the Green revolution and the drive to marching towards clean energy. Our core strength lies in technical expertise which is strongly backed with state-of-the- art solutions for solar PV modules, solar thermal products and solar power solutions.
Through continuous technological innovation, rich expertise and customer-centric approach for 22+ years, we have created a niche for ourselves as one of the top solar energy companies in India.
Have you ever wondered, how life would be without the Sun? Solar energy drives all life forms on the planet. A very infinitesimal amount is used and the remaining goes waste. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we harness the solar energy and reduce Carbon footprint and make our planet greener and a better place to live in.
Photon Energy Systems has three verticals dedicated to manufacturing and supplying a wide range of solar energy products and solutions. We cater to both small scale and large scale projects for implementing solar energy solutions as per customers’ requirements. Photon Energy Systems caters to the complete value chain of solar products from modules to system integration and has carved a respectable position among the top solar energy companies in India.
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